Epic 2 word phrases
Epic 2 word phrases

epic 2 word phrases

  • Speak to your group members giving your opinion of taking up digests as reading matter in the target language.
  • Short condensed accounts and summaries of the most important books. One of the ways is regular reading of digests, I. Let us consider some ways to man­age the situation. It is common knowledge that the present-day flow of information, the ever-increasing bulk of reading matter is very great. Use the following conversational formulas of advice: Speak on the points given below with the aim of advising your partner on the choice of books or writers. The author of the following text is trying to persuade the reader "to mark up a book", I.E.
  • Put down the main points raised by the author.
  • A) Read the following text dealing with comprehension of literature on school level. Have you ever considered how different reading can be? a) Read the following text. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary: Translate into English using "to persuade" and "to convince": Fill in the blanks with "to persuade" or "to convince" in the required form.
  • Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:.
  • Pay attention to the intonation of the stimuli and responses.
  • Compose short situations in dialogue form using the word combinations and phrases.
  • Write sentences of your own using the given list of word combinations and phrases (3 sentences on each item).

    epic 2 word phrases

    Read the following word combinations paying attention to different types of assimilation and the linking "r": A) Listen to the recording of Text Two and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.Make a round-table discussion based on the talking points of this section. (The talking point: "How important is the teach­er's understanding of his relationships with the class?") A) Give a summary of the following article in English: с самого первого урока A) Read the following text: Naughty - or Inquisitive? Insight into profession keeping order in class.In the course of the discussion try and answer the following questions:.Now after your teaching practice you have some first-hand experience which you may use doing the tasks below. Act as a teacher in the situations given below. Social skills in meeting people, listening and conversation are very impor­ tant for a teacher. Read the following text for obtaining its main idea:.Make up your own list of qualities that make a good foreign language teacher and compare it with the one given in the article.What makes a good teacher? Topical Vocabulary.Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary and the patterns of the lesson: Translate the following sentences to revise the different meanings of the words "order" and "disorder". Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics:.Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.Mind the intonation of inter­ rogative sentences to convey proper attitudes. Ask each other questions covering the text. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases: Use proper intonation means in the stimuli and responses. Compose short situations in dialogue form for each of the given word com­binations and phrases. Read the text and consider its following aspects. While reading the following dialogues mind the intonation of the stimuli and responses and convey proper attitudes according to the author's directions given in the text:.Read the passage beginning with "Speed was very nervous." till ".He waseager for the storm to break" concentrate your attention on weak forms and the rhythm.Read the following word combinations paying attention to assimilation and the linking "r": Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro­nunciation:.

    epic 2 word phrases

  • A) Listen to the recording of Text One and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
  • We often communicate today at meetings and conferences,
  • Make a speech on any topic you choose trying to use all the helpful hints given above.
  • epic 2 word phrases

    Add a few more helpful hints if you know any.A) Read the following text about public speaking. Insight into profession communication: this ever new old problem Talking Points:.When chosen carefully and said simply, pairing just two words can evoke a far range of emotions and have tremendous impact.

    Epic 2 word phrases